Black Floor Tiles

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The color black has always been associated with the dark and mysterious. From black cats to the black pirate flag, black has been an omen of bad luck and associated with death and danger since ancient times. Thankfully, however, when used inside the home this is not the case. Black can portray power, sophistication, and elegance like no other color. With the right information, you can easily get the best out of your black floor tiles and create a space you will enjoy for years to come.

Contrast Is Key

No other colors contrast as much as black and white. It is this contrast that is the secret to getting the most from your black floor tiles. This contrast of the black and white next to each other seems to make the black look much blacker, and the white look much whiter, which can make quite an impression. One way is to use both black and white floor tiles in the checkerboard pattern.

This is simply a straight lay or diagonal tile pattern using alternating black and white tiles. Because these two contrasting colors are next to each other they both work to complement each other. The checkerboard pattern is used to create a space of classic beauty. This pattern works great with large or small tiles and always seems to convey a sense of grandeur.

Great Ways To Use Black Floor Tiles

Some homeowners prefer using only black floor tiles. So how do you get the most from them if they’re solid black?  Again the answer is by using contrast. And there are three ways to do so. One trick that many professionals use is to install black floor tiles with wide white grout lines. This will highlight each individual tile unbelievably well by surrounding it with a frame of contrasting white grout.

However, care must be taken to make sure all the grout lines are perfectly straight because as a result of the contrast it will be extremely easy to see any crooked or uneven grout lines. Another trick often employed is to use white wall tiles (or paint your walls white) to contrast the black floor tiles.

A variation of this is to use black floor tiles, white wall tiles, and a line or border of black wall tiles mixed in not only for extra contrast but to mirror the black floor tiles as well and break up the space. One more smart way to get the most from your black floor tiles is to use them in contrast to white appliances. For example in your kitchen, you could install black floor tiles and then white cabinets and counters.

You could even further this by making a black tile backsplash with white overhead cabinets. That way you constantly have an alternating black and white pattern. Another example often used in the bathroom is to install black floor tiles with a white bath, toilet, and sink.

Black Floor Tiles

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Popular Black Floor Tile Options

There are many material options each with its own unique benefits. Porcelain, ceramic, and vinyl tiles are all popular choices and are widely available in black. These materials are also often more budget-friendly than options made from the various types of natural stone.

Black Quartz Floor Tiles

Extremely durable and scratch-resistant quartz makes an excellent choice and are perfect for high-traffic areas. There is one type that many people love which are referred to as either black sparkle floor tiles or black glitter tiles. These tiles have small pieces of crushed mirror glass throughout the face of the tile.

In fact, they are often compared to a starry night sky as the small flecks of mirror shine and sparkle in black quartz just like they would in the dark night sky. They are a unique option that will have your guests not only admiring your floor but asking where you bought your tile as well.

Black Marble Floor Tiles

One of the most beautiful stones, black marble is truly elegant looking. One thing people really love about these tiles is the unique white and gray veins that intersect as they travel around the stone as well as contrast its black color.

Black Granite Floor Tiles

Granite is one of the hardest and most durable of all the natural stones used to make tiles. Because it is so scratch-resistant and strong makes not only a great floor tile but also a great outdoor and countertop tile as well. Granite is more expensive than other types of tiles but will last forever and is very easy to clean and maintain. These along with marble and quartz are sometimes called black high gloss floor tiles because of their glossy and shiny finish.

Black And White Victorian Tiles

Coming from the Victorian era these tiles are made from durable porcelain to make a checkerboard pattern. Smaller than stone tiles these are often seen in hallways and bathrooms. Porcelain is a good option if you need a smaller size tile, don’t want to spend too much money, and don’t really like the look of stone.

You can also use black porcelain floor tiles by themselves to create a handsome-looking black floor, especially with white grout because they are smaller tiles they will have many more grout lines creating a great-looking contrast.

Black Floor Tiles

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Black Slate Floor Tiles

While most people think slate is only gray, you can also buy black slate tiles. They might not be as dark as granite or marble but are really great-looking natural tiles. This is especially used with the running bond tile pattern and white grout. Slate tile is also a very slip-resistant material because its surface is naturally uneven.

Whatever style and material you choose remember the key to using black floor tiles to their full potential is contrast. Use these simple tips to help you do so and you will be well on your way to not only having a stunning black or black and white floor but one which works with the rest of your room to form a cohesive and great-looking space!

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