Liquid Tiles

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Swirling colors that move and change under your feet like a living work of art? Yes, you read that correctly, and that’s exactly what liquid tiles provide. With every step you take this flooring option will be forever changing in appearance. Fun for kids and adults alike here’s what you’ll need to know about them.

Sometimes also called liquid lava tiles or liquid gel tiles there is no other flooring choice that provides such a dramatic and interactive experience. These tiles are made from a leak-proof polymer plastic that encases a brightly colored liquid that flows and changes shape and color each time that pressure is applied to them.

Not For The Wall

This is one option that is made for use on the floor and not the wall. Because they are literally liquid-filled tiles if they were to be placed on the wall gravity would cause the liquid to settle.  And this wouldn’t allow you would to get the color-changing or moving effect.

Safe And Sturdy

Many people assume that because they contain liquid these tiles are soft or even mushy. This is not the case they are in fact a solid and sturdy surface that can handle daily foot traffic, pets, dancing, and abuse from kids quite easily. They are firm but not hard like stone or ceramic, and typically are slip-proof to help prevent accidents.

If you are wondering about the actual liquid inside it is a non-toxic and environmentally safe cosmetic formula. In fact, liquid tile is fire-resistant and considered a “green,” product which can be recycled.

Liquid Tiles

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Purchasing Options

Different from other tile types, liquid options are generally only large in size. Most are at least 12” x 12” if not bigger. For example, “20 x 20” is a common size. When shopping you’ll notice that they are sold as individual tiles so that you can purchase just one or a few if that’s what you need. You can also buy packs that have a larger number of tiles.

Another choice are mats which are made up of multiple tiles that are attached together. You may want a liquid tile mat that has tiles of a single color or many different colors, it’s up to you. Before you run out to your local home store though, you’ll need to know that these tiles are not usually available in most shops. Presently the majority of consumers buy liquid tile online since that is where the widest variety and most competitive prices can be found.

Place Them Down Wherever You Please

You don’t need any skills to install these tiles. Whether you choose to add individual tiles or a mat, all you need to do is place them down. You can do this right over your current flooring (even on top of carpeting) without any preparation whatsoever. And they can be picked up, moved, or re-arranged whenever you feel like it.

They have a non-slip backing that will keep them in place so you don’t need to use any adhesive. When adding them to surfaces like concrete however some people do like to use an adhesive such as liquid nails or carpet tape for but you don’t need to.

Best Uses

Liquid floor tiles can be used in any area that you would like to make more colorful and fun so be sure to consider the following ideas on how and where to use them.

Spaces Kids Love: Because they are so popular with kids they are often used for creating spaces they can enjoy. At home, they are an ideal choice for both children’s playrooms and bedrooms. In fact, the changing colors of the tiles can also be used to help encourage babies to crawl. They can be particularly helpful for babies who are hesitant to crawl on their own or that have special needs.

And when used as dance floor tiles they are sure to create a dazzling display that will keep children moving. Liquid tiles are also tough enough they can function as a surface for tap dancing. Outside the home, they are used in classrooms, businesses which have a designated area for kids to play, and are always a hit in children’s museums.

Liquid Tiles

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Sensory Rooms: A sensory room is a safe space created for those with developmental disabilities, sensory impairments, and learning difficulties. It allows them to not only use their senses but build them up through exposure to special objects, sounds, and lighting. Each room is tailored to the specific need of the individual and they are often a big help for autistic children.

These tiles are often used in sensory rooms because they are visually stimulating, touchable, and encourage movement by providing a colorful display as a reward. Because they are used for this purpose they are often also advertised specifically as sensory liquid tiles.

Grab Attention With A Burst Of Color: The bright and bold colors of liquid tile are perfect for transforming the look of plain spaces both at home and in businesses of all types. They can do wonders to visually break up large areas of single-colored tiles or flooring. A simple way to do this is to add a group of them to the center of a room or to one specific section or feature that you would like to bring attention to.

For example, many businesses like to install them directly in front of their reception desk. Using them to create a colorful tile border that pops is another way to go that will naturally draw your guests or clients in. But of course, they can be used for covering your entire floor space as well.

Change Narrow Spaces Forever: Liquid-filled floor tiles are an easy way to create interest in narrow spaces too, such as hallways. And when added to stairs they change the monotony of going up and down into an interactive visual experience.

Bars, Restaurants, And Nightclubs: Unlike just about all other tile types liquid tiles show up very well when used with a black light. This is effect is helped by their bright white backing. And as you could guess it makes them very popular for bars, restaurants, and nightclubs. They are most often used as flooring or to create a dance floor. Some more creative business owners sometimes use tiles as a surface for table tops, bars, or even on chairs, benches, and stools.

Liquid Tiles

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Modern Style Rooms And Materials

Regardless of where you use them one of the best styles to use these tiles with is modern. That’s because they pair very well with sleek-looking spaces and materials. Blue liquid tiles in particular are a very popular choice for modern bathrooms. The blue of course is a natural choice since it echoes the look of the water.

Because they are usually large themselves, liquid tiles are often used with bigger size tiles. They will look very cohesive with surfaces that have modern glossy finishes and are many times installed with concrete tiles or concrete flooring.

Play With Patterns, Colors, And Spacing

You may want to add tiles of a single color or mix things up by using two, three, or as many as possible for an explosion of color. By using different colors you can create tile patterns and even unique-looking designs.

The spacing is also something you can play with. Many people actually install them just like a colorful stepping stone path that leads guests or customers from one area to another. These could be uniformly spaces or you could place them further apart and at random.

With what you’ve just learned you’re ready to start enjoying this interactive and totally unique flooring choice. Whether for children or adults, liquid tiles will provide a sensory experience that’s full of color and fun!

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