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There are quite a few different ways to add that extra touch of color to your tile project. This could be to make an old installation look new or make sure a new installation looks fantastic from the start. Here are the top tools you can use to get the color you need.

Grout Colorant

Many people don’t know that tile grout actually comes in many different colors. These can range from white to black. And contrary to what you might think it’s actually very easy to change the color of your existing grout. By using what’s known as grout colorant you can change your grout color without having to re-grout which will save you both time and money.

Grout colorant is actually a special type of water-based paint and luckily you don’t have to be a pro to apply it. It’s perfect for an inexpensive DIY project.

Grout Pen

Another cheap option that anyone can use at home is what is known as a grout pen. These are typically used to make your existing grout look brand-new and cover up things like stains, mold, and mildew. Pens can be used with white and colored grout. When purchasing you would simply choose a pen color that is the same color as the grout you already have.

If you have an older floor or wall that has grimy-looking grout lines one of these could do the trick. Some people even use them to touch up their actual tiles and to change the color of their grout. If you were going to change the grout color with a grout pen, you would want to go from a lighter to a darker color.

Colored Grout

If you are currently installing your tiles or will be soon, you may want to use colored grout right from the start. Doing this can be a great way to highlight your tiles or create contrast. Colored grout can also be used to match the color scheme of your space. You might even want to think of using darker colors such as black not just because they can look so good but to also help hide dirt and dust from view.

Colored Caulk

When adding color to your grout you won’t want to forget about your expansion joints. These are the spaces where your tile installation meets another material. They are normally filled in using caulk since it is flexible and allows for movement. Instead of using standard white caulk, colored caulk can be just the thing to match your colored grout. Or you may even want to use it to frame your installation in an eye-catching or contrasting color.

Each of these tools can help you to make small differences that equal big results. And luckily none of them cost much, take a long time to apply, or even require any skills to use.

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